So I think I have my head out of the fog temporarily. Maybe it's the cold and lack of sun, but I am having a hard time getting anything done lately. Maybe it's Facebook. Oh well. The new year has been very busy and a total blast so far...

J dressed up for the inauguration of our new president.

B took the boys and a friend to a hockey game. He loves being able to enjoy these activities with them now that they are big enough to appreciate them.

This is N every morning when he wakes up. (Unless he gets woken up, then he becomes a grumpy bear like his momma)

M lost her first tooth yesterday. We didn't even realize it was loose. Grapes actually took it out. Who would've thunk?? She wants to buy a dog with the dollar the tooth fairy gave her. I don't think so. Our current dog was close to being strangled this morning. At 4 am I heard a noise like someone trying to break into my garage. B went to check it out and it was just the dog. She was trying to chew her way out of her room , starting with the door frame. B let her outside and then realized that she had taken off. She didn't come home for another three hours. B was so angry I don't think he cared if she ever came home. At least she didn't roll in anything dead while she was out.