Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Washington DC

We had a great time in Washington DC last weekend. It was a quick trip, but for our boys, it was perfect timing. We spent some time at the Museums and Zoo, and visiting with family. It was nice to see Joey for dinner one evening. He mentioned that it was the first time he's ever actually seen me pregnant. And we spent Saturday with Farrar and the lads. The highlight of the trip was the Air and Space Museum (oh! and the pool). Who woulda thunk????

The first place the boys found in the museum was the Fossil Cafe. So typical of my boys who are always hungry!!!!

The Natural History Museum. Not quite as exciting as the movie, but fun nonetheless (BTW, we did not see the IMAX movie, as I would have thrown up and it would have freaked N out)

Playing with the Washington Monument

Air and Space Museum (obviously). N wants to be and astronaut now. But he's not quite sure how he's going to build his rocket ship??? I tried to explain that NASA will do that for him, but he insists on building his own.

At the National Zoo with Miles. (no pic of Porter. He and Farrar we way ahead of us at this point, trying to find the Pandas)

Watching the pandas. Just before "the accident".
The Pandas were at the very top of the hill at the Zoo. One of the first exhibits we saw. At the end of the panda building there was an iron barrier (probably close to 40 lbs) blocking off an exit. N decided to pull it down on top of his foot. Blood was every where. He screamed. J panicked. Moms kept offering advice. And the Zoo staff wanted to call an ambulance and the police. By the time we calmed everyone down and walked down the hill to the end of the zoo, we found the Health Center. (which is strategically located behind and underneath another building at the bottom of about 50 stairs. Not so easy to find or get to. I had to find a staff person to give us access to the elevator. It was a bit ridiculous) The nurse cleaned him up and we were on our way. He didn't break anything, just completely knocked the nail of his big toe. Really gross. J still won't look at it or go near N when we change the bandage.

When we got home, our new roof was finished. Brandon was sick of the pink and burgundy. This was his nesting project before the babies.