Monday, November 24, 2008


Yes. This is my son...

Stuck in the toilet.

I hear a faint cry for help, "Mommy, I'm done pooping!" I walk in the bathroom to this scene and he says to me, "I'm stuck and my bottom is cold and wet." Notice that I did not help him immediately, but ran to get the camera first. I was thinking "blog" the whole time.

Monday, November 17, 2008


We got our first snow today. We woke up to a beautiful world in white. It's 10am now and most of it has already melted. But that's OK. The kids were so excited this morning to put on their boots and make tracks in the snow. I fear their disappointment when they get home from school and are unable to make a snowman. But it's only November. We have plenty of time for snowmen.

Friday, November 14, 2008

A star is born

Everyday I ask my son what he did in school. I always get the same answer you guys probably get..., "Nothing". The other night at the dinner table, out of the blue, he starts singing this song. He says he learned it at school. He did it several times for us and loved the attention. I convinced him he needed to do it on camera. It didn't take much prompting. If you look closely you can see where he gets his hand motions mixed up because they are backwards on the screen he's watching. So stinkin' cute! (I'm not biased at all:)

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

No more legos

Here's Jake ship today. When he was bringing it downstairs this morning a piece fell off. When we tried to put it back on, another piece fell of, then another and another. We ended up with this. After about an hour, I got it back together, sans a few pieces that were on there before.
Oh well!! Beam me up Scottie! No, wait. That's another show.

Monday, November 10, 2008


Working hard

J recieved the "Battle Damage Darth Vader Lego Ship" for his birthday in late July. We started it, but had to put it up when we left for vacation in August. J just found it again this week. This is his first major lego project. He was much better at it than we thought he would be. And he certainly did not need our help. Every once in a while he asked us to put a piece on tighter or to show him exactly where a piece fit. Other than that, he did most of the work himslef. He is so proud. I just wish someone would tell us how to keep it from falling apart. He wants to play with it so badly and the ship seems to be very fragile.

The finished product

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Smell my feet

"Trick or treat! Smell my feet! Give me something good to eat!"

Having an older child in the public school system is a wonderful thing! (note the sarcasm in my voice) J's education is top notch, but when it comes to the things he brings home...
It took everything I had last night to keep all three of my children from chanting this lovely song to anyone handing out candy. (And just as a side note to prove this point- Since I went to see Mama Mia last week, J is also teaching the younger ones this lovely rhyme, "Mamma Mia. Papa Pia. Sopapia. Dia____." You can fill in the blanks. Lovely.) Anyways, back to Halloween.

We went to a community party on Thursday night at a local park. But once the sun went down, the temperature dropped about twenty degrees and the kids were miserable. So we had to leave a little early. J enjoyed the Native American stories. He even won a book about Sitting Bull for answering a question correctly. And M and N liked the egg hunt with their flashlights. I was a little confused. Is this Easter or Halloween?
J and N had halloween parties and parades at their schools. M got to wear her costume all day.

Last night we started off the evening with many of the neighbors bringing goodies to our house. Aren't you supposed to be giving away the candy when you are at home?? Oh well. The familes with kids wanted to pass out treats since they would be gone for the evening. Oh Yah! More candy! (note the sarcasm) I really shouldn't complain because we actually started it on Thursday night. But we gave everyone fun flashlights and glow bracelets and socks. No candy!

After dinner, we walked through our little neighborhood. And since we are ususally the only trick-or-treaters, the neighbors let the kids take as much candy as they wanted! Thanks! Yah! More candy! (sarcasm again)

After our street, we drove to the hot spot neighborhood of our small little town to visit B's aunt, but she wasn't home. Smart woman. We hit a few houses there and headed to see B's Grandma at Bethany Village. We ended the evening at her apartment, eating our three choice pieces of candy and then wrestling on Grandma's bed to kill the sugar high. I think it's time to go home.

So Stinkin' cute!!

M was a fairy princess. N was Johnny the Joker. N had one halloween joke, "Knock. Knock. Who's there? Boo! Boo who? Don't cry. It was just a joke!" Johnny is N's favorite character from the puppet show at church (slightly ironic, don't you think?). J was the black Spider Man. We had a red Spider Man costume, but the zipper broke. The zipper man in town wanted $15 to fix it, so I just bought a new costume for $13. J liked it better anyways. He wore it all week because it makes him stronger.