Friday, November 14, 2008

A star is born

Everyday I ask my son what he did in school. I always get the same answer you guys probably get..., "Nothing". The other night at the dinner table, out of the blue, he starts singing this song. He says he learned it at school. He did it several times for us and loved the attention. I convinced him he needed to do it on camera. It didn't take much prompting. If you look closely you can see where he gets his hand motions mixed up because they are backwards on the screen he's watching. So stinkin' cute! (I'm not biased at all:)


Joe and Carolyn said...

cutie, patutie!!!! that's my grandson Love you Nicki!!

7redz said...

That is one you definitely want to save... perhaps for his HS graduation or maybe wedding video some day!!