We love you all!
The Wieland's
Nothing too exciting here, just an average American family living in upstate New York. We are loving God and loving each other and trying to make every day a special occassion.
Now today was crazy. We got up and got the kids dressed. It's supposed to be 50 degrees on Monday, so our snow won't last. We want to make the most of it while it's here. We grabbed the neighbors and went sledding. When we first got there, the kids argued and fought over who goes first and who had to carry the sled back up the hill. By the time we left, no one said a word. Not even M!!! They were exhausted. After hot chocolate at home, we got re-dressed. J went to Karate. And then we loaded up the car to ride Sullivan's train in town. We got off the train, ate cookies in the car, and headed to the bowling alley for a Christmas party. The kids are so used to bowling on the Wii, they had a hard time really rolling that heavy ball down the alley. We did crafts and got presents from Santa. After bowling, we took the kids to our church where B and I left them!! The youth and young singles are babysitting tonight from 3-8pm!! It's the best Christmas present we've ever received.
B and I are ending our evening at our favorite wing place and we are discussing leaving the kids at church. God will watch over them, right??? jk Tomorrow is another busy day with church, a tailgate party and off to see the local hockey team get beat. It's a crazy time of year. And we are choosing to enjoy every minute of it.